
Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Invite All Your Facebook Friends on Fan Page With A Few Clicks

Facebook is known for making friends , gossips , crispy videos and images bla bla . But on the other hand , it is a perfect place to promote your product , business , website and whatever you want to . If you know how to use it in an appropriate way then you have endless sources , you can utilize groups , events and my favorite one , Facebook fan pages , That's why , Facebook is a kind of heaven for internet marketers , bloggers and webmasters etc. , Apart from promoting your desired thing , you can communicate with your audience in a much better way through your Facebook fan page .
That's why , Facebook fan page owners go hard for increasing numbers of fans . The more you get fans , the more traffic and traffic means good money . There are many ways that can be utilized to increase fans , like Facebook advertisements , social exchange websites and many others . Apart from using any other way , It would not be wrong to say that your Facebook friends can your help , you can invite them to like your Facebook page and one of the best advantages of utilizing Facebook friend list is that it is totally free of cost .

Invite All Your Facebook Friends on Fan Page With A Few Clicks

But it is not as easy as it looks like , It demands lots of efforts and time and very tedious job . Because certainly you would have not thousands but hundreds of friends in your friend list and you will have to invite one by one .
But this tutorial can help you in this regard , you can invite all your friends to like your Facebook in a few seconds . I will share with you a java script code to do so . You can use this tutorial only for Mozilla Firefox , Let's start .

In Firefox , How to Invite All your Facebook Friends on Fan Page With A Few Clicks ?

Open up your FB page and click on "Build Audience" and then "Invite Friends"

 After getting this pop up Windows , Now press CTRL + Shift + K at once .

Copy and paste below given Java script code into the box at the bottom and hit enter key . Make sure , you have chosen "Consol"

 javascript:var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm');
 for(var i=0; i<inputs.length;i++) {

If you have a large friend list , You will have to wait a few minutes until all the names get selected .

At The End . Respectable readers , I hope this short tutorial will help you to increase your Facebook fans . If you have some ideas , then Please do share with us using the comment section . 

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